Happy Pride Month! We have gathered the best LGBTQ+ movies available right now to highlight love and acceptance of all shapes and sizes.

The Best LGBTQ+ Movies To Celebrate Love

Pride Month is in full swing and the wonders of summer are around the corner. What’s more fitting than celebrating love and Pride Month 2022 with the best LGBTQ+ movies? We got you the best of Queer cinema - some of them you may want to watch again, others you'll have to watch again and again once you're done with the first viewing. All of them are about love, acceptance, and tolerance. 

The Handmaiden

(2016, IMDb M: 8.0 F: 8.1)

If you are into: Great Cast, Intense, Strong Female Lead, Serious

If one had to define the immeasurable intensity of the preliminaries and the superiority of desire over contentment, The Handmaiden would be an eloquent metaphor. Set in 1930s Korea, this erotic Machiavellian thriller explores the devious paths of seduction, manipulation and revenge while having high visual ambitions. It gives rise to a duel between the romance and the perverse spirit, the manipulations and the sincerity. Candidating naturally for the pantheon of the genre alongside "Mulholland Drive" and "Gone Girl".

MUBI  Cineasterna 

Portrait Of A Lady On Fire

(2019, IMDb M: 7.9 F: 8.2)

If you are into: Great Cast, High-Quality Visuals, Romantic, Nature

In 1770, a professional female painter is commissioned a portrait. It will serve to introduce a young woman to her future husband. We get to see them falling in love and it's simply a masterpiece. A film that already has a privileged place in the queer history of cinema. It's an intense artistic crossover, relating to painting, literature, and briefly music. You will feel immersed in the magnificent image and the overwhelming relationship. And the romantic blossoming of a memory will take place in front of your eyes.

Draken Cineasterna


(2016, IMDb M: 7.3 F: 7.6)

If you are into: Romantic, Slow Pace, Mysterious, High-Quality Visuals

With this one, you'll have to be patient. Barry Jenkins as a director is indeed not brutal nor harsh - rather strangely sweet and vague when describing his characters' human trajectory in Moonlight. Both in a singular way - a young homosexual lives in the hell of the black ghetto of Miami, and universally - the search for oneself that we all know about. If you let yourself get carried away by this piece, you'll get a flow of images sometimes dreamy, sometimes incredibly physical. And a lot of emotion and empathy. Unexpectedly intelligent, it's also when questioning racial and sexual identity a film that proves to be infinitely necessary and brilliantly political. In other words, perfect for celebrating love and acceptance.

Viaplay Cineasterna

A Single Man

(2009 IMDb M: 7.4 F: 7.8)

If you are into: Great Cast, Emotional, Serious, Deep

This one will leave you stunned and upset with images and sounds that will follow you and obsess you. At first glance, it's a sophisticated movie recalling Wong Kar-Wai's aesthetic of "In the mood for love". It marries warm colors and obsessive music. And then the miracle occurs - the emotion comes and grows, and the film becomes a work of art and a melodrama of high quality. The man we follow could live in the Mad Men series - alone and full of spleen, his loneliness actually is cracked thanks to the gorgeous Julianne Moore. A movie experience to live and love.
